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‧ 555 channels, full galaxy, full frequency and multi-frequency ‧  L-band multi-channel support, TerraStar differential service ‧ Abundant communication ports (serial port, USB, CAN, Ethernet)
‧Advanced visual interference suppression technology ‧Support RTK, GLIDE and STEADYLINE function options

NovAtel OEM7720 Dual Antenna, Multi-Frequency GNSS Receiver

  • The OEM7720 is a multi-band, dual-antenna receiver that provides robust heading and positioning and advanced interference rejection.

    To ensure maximum flexibility, the OEM7720 uses a 555-channel architecture capable of tracking all current and future GNSS constellations.

    The OEM7720 is scalable to provide sub-meter to centimeter-level positioning. The receiver is field upgradeable to all OEM7  ® series software options including RTK, ALIGN  ®, GLIDE  ® and SPAN  ® NovAtel CORRECT™.

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