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• Easily design into new platforms or retrofit existing platforms • Multi-frequency GNSS coverage to support precision applications • Multi-frequency, multi-constellation guaranteed GNSS
• ARINC 743 Compliant Mounting Holes and Packages • Available in Passive or Active (Amplified) Configurations • Input DC Power via RF Connector • Connector Options Available • Multi-Color Available

Antcom G5Ant-42AT1-A 極高效能 小尺寸 天線盤 (4.7" (11.9cm), -A版的接頭在中心線上)

  • The G5Ant-42XXX-A product series are multi-frequency antennas that ensure reception of Global Navigation Satellite Signals (GNSS). The G5 antenna operates in five frequency bands, including support for GLONASS L1, GPS L1, L-Band, L2 GLONASS and L2 Global Positioning System. Baseplate is compatible with ARINC 743 mounting holes and footprint requirements. O-ring seals between the antennas on your platform ensure easy installation. The "-A" version of the G5Ant-42XXX locates the connector output product backplane along the centerline.
    This product is available in passive and active (amplified) configurations. The active configuration provides 2-stage integrated bandpass filtering for high out-of-band rejection and clipping diodes to protect sensitive receiver electronics. This passive configuration is best for applications where the antenna is close to the GNSS receiver and provides the lowest insertion loss to minimize the noise figure of your system.

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